The new HealthEquity® Visa Card® is designed to empower your employees to become smarter healthcare spenders with ease. Best of all, multiple benefit accounts are stacked on the same card. Talk about convenience.
Members enrolled in more than one benefit account will receive a new, stacked card. Those who have only an Flexible Spending Account (FSA), Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) or Commuter benefit can continue to use their existing card.
Hassle-free benefits experience
We’re moving to an upgraded debit card so members can access and manage their benefits accounts in one easy place.
What this means for you:
What this means for your people:
- Add or remove benefits without having to replace cards
- Customized card branding to align with your brand image
- Consolidated communications and simplified card verbiage
- One card for all transactions
- Secure and convenient contactless payments
- Mobile payment with a digital wallet
- Better visibility into payment information
We’re making the transition easy
Leave it all to us – from notifying members about the arrival of their new cards to providing clear instructions for card activation. We’ll even give members some helpful tips on how to get the most from their benefits.
October 2023
- October 4-10: Members will experience a brief gray period. During that time period, they will not see updated account balances reflected in the HealthEquity member portal or mobile app. Claims payments may be delayed as well. Members will be able to use their HealthEquity debit card as usual, with transactions being authorized.
- A stacked, purple card will be rolled out to existing and new members with a Commuter and FSA or HRA account.
- Commuter-only members and member enrolled in only an FSA or HRA will continue to use their existing HealthEquity card.
- Members affiliated with Commuter-only employers will continue to use a dark blue Commuter card. Existing Commuter-only members will continue using their existing HealthEquity card. Starting October 17th, a new stacked card will be mailed to members enrolled in Healthcare and Commuter benefits.
February 2024
- All cards, including the blue Commuter card, can be added to a digital wallet for convenient electronic payments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will my employees get replacement cards?
Members who are enrolled in one or more Healthcare (FSA and HRA) and Commuter benefit will receive a new card with all their accounts linked to it. If a member is enrolled in just one benefit account, they’ll continue to use their existing HealthEquity debit card and it will be replaced if it is lost, stolen, damaged, or expired.
What happens when my employee gets a replacement card?
Members should activate their new card. Instructions will be provided in a card reminder email and in the package the card arrives in. Activation is a breeze, taking just a few minutes. As soon as they activate their new card, their old cards will be deactivated and can be discarded.
What types of accounts can be stacked on the HealthEquity® Visa® Card?
A HSA, Healthcare FSA, Limited Purpose FSA, HRA, and Commuter benefit can be added to the card. Multiple healthcare accounts can only be used if these accounts are compatible under IRS guidelines. For example, a Limited Purpose FSA can be paired with an HSA, but a Healthcare FSA cannot.
How does a stacked card work?
A stacked card is a single card connected to multiple benefit accounts. Each account has its own purse of funds associated with it, and funds are drawn from each purse in a priority order. Employers can set or adjust the purse priority order and implement restrictions, if desired. The cards are powered by a smart logic that debits eligible expense from the right account in the right order, based on the purse priority.
How do you know which purse to debit available funds from?
Funds are pulled from the correct purse at the point of sale using Merchant Category Codes (MCC). The MCCs are 4-digit numbers which describe a merchant’s primary business activities. For example, there is a MCC for hearing aids and an MCC for dentists or orthodontists.
What is the default purse order with a stacked card?
The default purse priority order is assigned based on Merchant Category Codes (MCC). If a member is enrolled in an FSA and an HRA, the default priority is to draw funds from the FSA first and then the HRA.
The priority order for Commuter purses is also based on MCC. Parking MCCs have a purse order or pre-tax parking first, followed by a post-tax purse. Transit MCCs have a purse priority order of pre-tax transit first, followed by a post-tax transit purse. If the stacked card includes HSA, the default purse priority order will be assigned based on MCC. For Healthcare MCCs, the default priority order is FSA, HRA, and HSA. The Commuter purse is remains the same as outlined previously.
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