Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account

Save up to $1,000 on taxes when you elect DCFSA1 

Turn caregiving into tax savings

A DCFSA lets you use tax-free money to pay for eligible dependent care expenses.2 A qualifying ‘dependent’ may be a child under age 13, a disabled spouse, or an older parent in eldercare. DCFSA paycheck deductions are tax-free too, which helps reduce your taxable income. The more you contribute, the more you save.

Enjoy fast, hassle-free reimbursement.

Access funds as you make contributions.

Enjoy a full year to spend your account funds

Don’t tax your money. Max your money. 

Get $20 tax savings for every $100 you contribute.1



2025 IRS contribution limits3


Spend tax-free.

There are so many eligible expenses. Here are just few: 




Nursery school

Before/after school programs

Summer day camp

Elder daycare

DCFSA resources

Easily find answers to common questions about your benefits.   

Plan your spending, know the rules and unlock amazing tax savings.

Not sure if an FSA is right for you? Explore our on-demand FSA webinars.  

1The example is for illustrative purposes only. Estimated savings are based on a maximum annual contribution and an assumed combined federal and state income tax bracket of 20%. Actual savings will depend on your contribution amount and taxable income and tax status. | 2DCFSAs are never taxed at a federal income tax level when used appropriately for eligible dependent care expenses. Also, most states recognize DCFSA funds as tax deductible with very few exceptions. Please consult a tax advisor regarding your state’s specific rules. | 3Contribution limit is accurate as of 10/22/2024. Each fall the IRS updates the DCFSA contribution limits. For the latest information, please visit: | HealthEquity does not provide legal, tax or financial advice.

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